Matt Rooke Freelance Creative Director / Art Director / Graphic Designer


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Rubber retouching

Rubber retouching? Don't worry, it's not as perverse as it sounds.

Sometimes I'm just asked for the ideas, sometimes I'm asked to sketch them up, but it's always nice to be asked to take them a bit further, like this hi res retouch, part of a larger campaign for a global tyre brand which I conceived, scamped and then worked into a high res, print-ready visual.

The initial scamps were rough, as requested by the agency, to work fast. Part of the brief was that the final image had to be sourced from a stock library, so that informed what I could use. The tyre tread was taken from a tyre shot in studio, then manipulated to work as the trainer sole. The overall colouration was altered to add a technical, premium feel, again part of the brief. 

The third gallery image is the original stock shot, highlighting the overall changes. 

Matthew Rooke